Sunday, June 13, 2010

SEX!....Now that i’ve got your attention, lets go online...

So um, well...Sex...ergh...hmmm.
So I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but its human nature to want to, and to have sex. It’s instinctive, built into our genetic code. IN fact its why where here today and pretty much one of our main roles while were here on this planet. Ok so now that’s out of the way... what’s with all the social stigma around it? It’s probably the most natural thing you can do... seriously
Now with the advent of all this new technology within the last few decades especially, a few doors have opened in the whole sexual world, pornography, phone sex and now cybersex among a myriad of others. All designed to fulfil our carnal based needs with the aid of some kind of technology. This isn’t new it’s just the magazines under the bed have been traded for a folder on the C: drive or a webcam. I’m sure cavemen would have used rock paintings, the concept isn’t new, the method is.
Cybersex, it has a few perks. Not my cup of tea but I can understand the appeal. Its anonymous, requires only an internet connection so it can be done in the comfort of home. And in a sense it’s probably the safest sex you can have given getting an STD is impossible though a modem. The internet has become such an integral part of our lives of course it would stem into the sexual realm. It’s a growing trend from simple dating sites to full blown fetish sites.It is mainly men who engage in cybersex activities but research indicated that increasing numbers of women are engaging in cyber sex too. Whilst men tend to prefer pornography women have a greater tendancy to visit chat rooms.
So what are the down sides of this cybersex phenomenon? Well psychologists say that it makes it very easy for addiction to occur, some even going as far to say that its worse than crack.the effects of sex on the brain are similar to some drugs with huge releases of endorphins and serotonin, having instant access just a click away can have serious consequesnces leading to addiction, misogyny, paedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction
This is what was said in one article:
"The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind."
This over exposure and addiction can have some serious consequences on society its can desensitise us, it can negatively alter our perceptions of sex and sexuality. Leading us to foucus on instant gratification rather than something more substantial. And i think thats a really dangerous thing.i understand that people have needs and the internet can provide and easy and simple way to meet them. Technology can help us in many ways, the internet can help people create meaning ful relationships and meet our needs. But there is once again a very fine line between what is healthy and what is addiction. So please people think before your next click.

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